Thursday, September 8, 2016


How to Write an Essay

Author: Alan Barker
Date: 2013
Pages: 134
Format: PDF
Size:  16.2 Mb

Why write essays? 

Good question. 
Essays, with examination's, are probably your most important contribution to your work at college or university. (Exams, of course, often include essay-writing under time constraints.) And, for many students, they present more challenges than any other part of study. You may have written essays at school; but the demands of a college essay will be greater. 
Essays have different functions in different subjects. Indeed, in some subjects, you may find yourself writing papers with different names: assignments, reports, or — as you approach the end of your course —dissertations. All of these papers have subtly different conventions. The skills I'll be discussing in this book apply to all of them, more or less; if in doubt, check with your tutor or department head precisely what's required of the paper you're working on. 
You will almost certainly be asked, at some point in your course, to produce a structured, formal piece of writing. So why are essays so important? 

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